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Chapter I - General Provisions

  1. The Association operates under the name: Stowarzyszenie Kultury iWspółpracy Polsko – Tureckiej TURKPOL, hereinafter referred to as“Association”
  2. The Association operates in accordance with Act of 7th April 1989 Law onAssociations and provisions of this Statute.
  1. The area of Association’s activity is Poland, especially city of Warsaw and Mazowieckie Vovoidoship.

  2. To fulfill statutory objectives, Association can conduct activities abroad, in accordance with local law.

  3. The registered office of the Association shall be the city of Warszawa.

The Association may be a member of national and international organizations with similar area of activity, if it does not affect the obligations arising from international agreements whose party is Poland.

Chapter II - Objectives and means of achieving them

Objectives of the Association:

1- to build and deepen friendly Polish-Turkish relations based on openness, tolerance, and cooperation,

2- to raise knowledge of both communities about Poland and Turkey and Polish – Turkish relations, to overcome stereotypes.

3- to support, cultivate and promote Polish cultural heritage in Turkey,

4- to support, cultivate and promote Turkish cultural heritage in Poland,

5- to integrate and support the Polish community in Turkey, as well as people associated with it,

6- to integrate and support the Turkish community in Poland, as well as people associated with them,

7- to promote intercultural and interfaith dialogue,

8- to raise knowledge of cultural differences and multiculturalism.

9- to spread tolerance and understanding, to stand against various forms of discrimination, especially racial, ethnic, or religious.

10- to encourage the strengthening business relations and engagements between Turkey and Poland.

11- to maintain and disseminate national tradition, cultivate Polish identity and developing national, civic and cultural awareness,

12- to carry out activities for national and ethnic minorities and regional language,

13- to carry out activities for the benefit of integration of foreigners of Turkish nationality and integration of foreigners of Turkish nationality with Polish citizens

14- to joint create and implement of projects within the above scope in cooperation with other European Union countries.

The Association achieves its objectives by:
1- creating a space for Polish – Turkish communication, action and cooperation,

2- cultural activity,

3- creative activity,

4- sports activity,

5- scientific activity,

6- teaching and educational activity,

7- publishing activity,

8- organizing meetings and thematic workshops.

9- cooperating with and supporting organizations with similar program premises in Poland and abroad,

10- cooperating with government and local administration, non-governmental organizations, cultural and educational institutions, and media,

11- awarding prizes and awards for individuals and institutions distinguished for its activities to achieve the objectives of the Association.

Chapter III - Members of the Association

1- Members of the Association shall be divided into:

        a) ordinary members,

        b) supporting members,

        c) honorary members.

2- Legal persons may only be members.

Polish citizens and foreigners – including foreigners without residency in Poland may become members of the Association.

1- Natural person who submits a declaration to the Board of Directors to join the Association may become an ordinary member of the Association.

2- Ordinary members are accepted by the Board of Directors within 1 month from the date of submitting the declaration.

Members have the right to:

1- passive and active voting rights in the elections to the authorities of the Association,

2- actively take part in the work of the Association,

3- make use of the achievements and any activities of the Association,

4- receive any information concerning the activities of the Association,

5- make use of the benefits determined by the authorities of the Association,

6- report proposals as to the activity of the Association.

Members are obliged to:
1- adhere to the statute and resolutions of the authorities of the Association,

2- actively participate in the activities of the Association and achieving its objectives,

3- participate in general meetings of members,

4- regularly pay membership fees and fulfill other obligations resulting from the resolutions of the authorities of the Association.

1- Membership in the Association shall cease due to:
        a. voluntary written resignation from membership in the Association submitted to the Board of Directors,
        b. exclusion by the Board of Directors:
            – due to the lack of signs of active work for the Association,
            – due to gross violation of the statutory principles, non-compliance to decisions or resolutions of the authorities of the Association or
            – due to unjustified arrears in payment of membership fees or other obligations for a period exceeding twelve months,
         c. loss of civil rights pursuant to the final court judgment,
         d. death of a member,
         e. liquidation of the Association.

2- The resolutions of the Board of Directors concerning the ordinary membership in the Association can be appealed to the General Meeting of Members within 1 month from the date of receipt of the resolution. The appeal is considered at the next General Meeting of Members. Resolution of the General Meeting of Members is final.

1- Natural or legal person declaring financial, material, or substantial help in achieving objectives of the Association who submits a declaration to the Board of Directors to join the Association may become a supporting member of the Association.

2- Supporting members are accepted by the Board if Directors within 1 month from the date of submitting the declaration.

1- Members are entitled to enjoy the rights of an ordinary member with the exception of passive and active voting rights but may have an advisory vote.

2- Members are exempted from paying membership fees, but are required to fulfill obligation declared by them, to adhere to the statute and resolutions of the authorities of the Association.

3- Members are entitled to participate in the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Association as an observer.

1- Membership in the Association ceases due to:
      a. voluntary written resignation from membership in the Association submitted to the Board of Directors,
      b. exclusion by the Board of Directors,
      c. loss of civil rights pursuant to the final court judgment,
      d. death of a member and in the case of legal person loss of legal personality,
      e. liquidation of the Association.

2- The resolutions of the Board of Directors concerning the supporting membership in the Association can be appealed to the General Meeting of Members within 1 month from the date of receipt of the resolution. The appeal is considered at the next General Meeting of Members. Resolution of the General Meeting of Members is final.

1- Natural person who has made an outstanding contribution to the activities and development of the Association may become an honorary member of the Association.

2- Person becomes an honorary member after the adoption of the resolution by the General Meeting of Members at the request of the Board of Directors or at least 6 members of the Association, providing the consent of the person who is supposed to be an honorary member of the Association.

1- Honorary members are entitled to enjoy the rights of an ordinary member with the exception of passive and active voting rights but may have an advisory vote.

2- Supporting members are exempted from paying membership fees.

Honorary members are obliged to adhere to the statute and resolutions of the authorities of the Association.

1- Honorary membership in the Association ceases due to:
       a. voluntary written resignation from membership in the Association submitted to the Board of Directors,
       b. exclusion by the Board of Directors,
       c. loss of civil rights pursuant to the final court judgment,
       d. liquidation of the Association.

2- The resolutions of the Board of Directors concerning the honorary membership in the Association can be appealed to the General Meeting of Members within 1 month from the date of receipt of the resolution. The appeal is considered at the next General Meeting of Members. Resolution of the General Meeting of Members is final.

Chapter IV - Authorities of the Association

1- The authorities of the Association are:
        a. General Meeting of Members,
        b. Board of Directors,
        c. Audit Committee.

2- The term of the authorities lasts three years and shall expire with the opening of the Ordinary General Meeting of Members.

3- Election of the authorities takes place in a secret voting by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote. The choice of authority is made from an unlimited number of candidates.

4- Unless the Statute provides otherwise, resolutions of authorities of the Association are adopted by a simple majority of members present and entitled to vote.

The supreme authority of the Association is the General Meeting of Members. It is composed of ordinary members and supporting and honorary members with advisory vote.

The powers of the General Assembly shall include:

1- identification of the main course of activity and development of the Association,

2- appointment and dismissal of all authorities of the Association and, if necessary, appointment and dismissal of members of these authorities,

3- to consideration and approval of reports of the authorities of the Association,

4- granting of approval of the performance by members of Board of Directors of their duties,

5- determining the rules of management of the funds and assets of the Association,

6- adopting amendments to the Statute,

7- consideration on appeals against the resolutions of the Board,
8- passing resolutions on the adoption of honorary member,

9- adoption of resolutions concerning the membership in other organizations,

10- adoption of resolutions concerning dissolution of the Association and allocation of its assets,

11- adopting resolutions on all matters not restricted for other authorities of the Association.

1- The Ordinary General Meeting of Members is convened by the Board of Directors once a year.

2- The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members is convened by the Board of Directors:
         a. on their own initiative,
         b. at the request of the Audit Committee,
         c. at the request of at least 1/3 of the ordinary members.

1- If the Board of Directors does not convene the General Meeting of Members within 30 days of the request, General Meeting of Members shall be convened by the Audit Committee.

2- The Board of Directors shall notify all members of the Association 30 days in advance before General Meeting of Members about the date, place, and agenda of the General Meeting of Members. If the meeting does not have a quorum, meeting shall be convened in another date no later than one month from the date of convening of the first General Meeting of Members.

1- The Board of Directors consists of 9 people: the President of the Board of Directors and 8 Members of the Board of Directors appointed by the General Meeting of Members.

2- The Board of Directors shall meet at least once every three months.

3- 3. Members of the Management Board may not be convicted by a final judgment for an intentional crime prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal crime.

The powers of the Board of Directors shall include:

1- management of the ongoing operation of the Association,

2- implementation of the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members,

3- management of the assets of the Association,

4- deciding on the amount of membership fees,

5- representation of the Association and acting on its behalf,

6- acceptance and exclusion of members of the Association,

7- convening of the General Meeting of Members.

President of Board of Directors acting solely or two Members of Board of Directors acting jointly are authorized to make declarations of will, sign documents and incur obligations in the name of the Association. These individuals may establish one or more proxies authorized to act within the limits and under the conditions specified in the power of attorney.

1- The Audit Committee consists of 3 persons: the Chairman of the Audit Committee and two Members of the Audit Committee, appointed by the General Meeting of Members.

2- The Members of the Audit Committee cannot simultaneously be members of the Board of Directors.

3- The Audit Committee is a collegial supervisory body, separate from the managing body and not subordinated to it in terms of supervision, and its members:

    • may not be members of the Management Board or remain with them in a marriage, cohabitation, consanguinity, affinity, or subordination relationship,
    • have not been convicted by a final judgment for an intentional crime prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal crime.

The powers of the Audit Committee shall include:

1- control of overall operations of the Association,

2- evaluation of the operations of the Board of Directors, including annual reports and balance sheets,

3- submitting reports to the General Meeting of Members together with the assessment of operation of the Association and the Board of Directors,

4- proposing to the General Meeting of Members on granting of approval of the performance by members of Board of Directors of their duties,

5- proposing for the dismissal of the Board of Directors or individual Members of the Board of Directors,

6- requesting to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members.

In case of decrease in number of members of the Board of Directors or the Audit Committee below the number specified in the Statute during the term, it can be supplemented through supplementary elections at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members convened immediately by the Board.

1- Members of Board of Directors shall not receive remuneration due to their function.
2- Members of Audit Committee. shall not receive remuneration due to their function,

Chapter V - The assets and funds of the Association

1- The sources of the assets of the Association are:
         a. membership fees,
         b. donations (cash and in-kind donations),
         c. public and private grants,
         d. sponsoring,
         e. public collections, campaigns,
         f. income from the assets of the organization, capital investments,
         g. income from paid public benefit operations
         h. inheritances, bequests,

2- The Association may receive free of charge the ownership or the right to use of movables, immovables, and other property rights.

The Association manages its finances in accordance with applicable law.

2. It shall be prohibited to:
       a) granting loans or securing liabilities with the assets of the organization in relation to its members, members of the organs or employees, as well as persons with whom the members, members of the organs and employees of the organization are married, in cohabitation or in a relationship of kinship or affinity in the direct line, the transfer of its assets for the benefit of its members, board members or employees and their relatives on principles other than in relation to third parties, in particular if the transfer is made free of charge or on preferential terms;
       b) use of assets for the benefit of members, members of organs or employees and their relatives on principles other than in relation to third parties, unless such use results directly from the statutory purpose;
       c) purchase of goods or services from entities in which members of the organization, members of its bodies or employees and their relatives participate, on principles other than in relation to third parties or at prices higher than market ones.

Decisions about buying, selling, and encumbering the assets of the Association shall be taken the Board of Directors.

Chapter VI - Final provisions

1- A resolution concerning the amendment of the Statute or dissolution of the Association can be adopted by General Meeting of Members by a majority of 2/3 of the votes in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote.

2- While adopting a resolution to dissolve the Association, the General Meeting of Members shall determine the manner of liquidation and the allocation of the Association’s assets.